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Showing posts from August, 2023

15 All ears

All ears Meaning: Being fully attentive and eager to listen. Synonyms: Attentive, focused, receptive. Antonym: Inattentive, disinterested. Example Sentence: When the teacher announced a surprise quiz, the students were all ears, eager to hear the details. Hindi Meaning: सुनने के लिए बिल्कुल तैयार और उत्सुक।

16 A dime a dozen

A dime a dozen Meaning: "A dime a dozen" means that something is very common, easily found, or not unique. Synonyms: Common as dirt, ten a penny, plentiful Antonyms: Rare, unique, scarce Example Sentence: In the city, tea stalls are a dime a dozen; you can find one on almost every street corner. Hindi Meaning: बहुत सामान्य, आम, आसानी से मिलने वाला

12 Zealous

Zealous (adj.) showing great energy or enthusiasm towards a particular goal, cause, or activity. Synonyms Enthusiastic, fervent, passionate. Antonyms Apathetic, unenthusiastic, passive. E.g. He was so zealous about memorising Quran that he practiced for five hours every day. Hindi - उत्साही

11 Intricate

  Intricate ( adj.) something that is complex, detailed, or has many interrelated parts that are difficult to understand, solve, or unravel . Synonyms Complex, complicated, maze-like. Antonyms Simple, clear straightforward. E.g. The robot featured in the Transformer movie possessed a highly intricate design. Hindi -   पेचीदा, जटिल

10 Serenity

  Serenity ( adj.) a state of being calm, peaceful, and composed state of mind or environment . Synonyms Calmness, peacefulness, tranquility. Antonyms Turmoil, chaos, restlessness. E.g. The garden's quiet and stillness brought a sense of serenity to my mind. Hindi -   शांति

9 Storm in a teacup

Idiom: Storm in a Teacup Meaning : Making a big fuss over a small or unimportant issue; exaggerating a minor problem. Synonyms : Tempest in a teapot, much ado about nothing, making a mountain out of a molehill. Antonyms : Significant issue, genuine concern, substantial problem. Example Sentence: Mary's frustration with the slow Wi-Fi was a storm in a teacup compared to the bigger challenges she had faced. Hindi Meaning: छोटी सी बात पर बड़ी अफवाहें फैलाना, छोटी समस्या को अधिक बड़ा दिखाना ।

8 Collaborate

Word: Collaborate Meaning: Work together on a project or task, typically to achieve a common goal or outcome. Synonyms: Cooperate, work together, team up, join forces. Antonyms: Oppose, compete, work independently, clash. Example: The two companies decided to collaborate on a new product, combining their expertise for a better result. Hindi Meaning: सहयोग करना, मिलकर काम करना

7 Obnoxious

Obnoxious Meaning Extremely unpleasant or offensive Synonyms unpleasant, nasty, distasteful Antonyms delightful, pleasant, charming  Example His obnoxious behavior ruined the party. Hindi अप्रिय

5 Lavish

  Lavish ( adj.) Meaning : Something that is luxurious, or characterized by excessive spending, abundance, or generosity. Synonyms : extravagant, sumptuous, luxurious. Antonyms : frugal, modest, economical, simple. Example : He owns a lavish Rolls-Royce car, yet he remains humble and generous. Hindi Meaning: फ़िजूलखर्च, अत्यधिक

4 Formulate

    Formulate Meaning : To create or develop a plan, idea, theory, etc., in a systematic and organized manner. - Synonym : Devise, create, design, develop. - Antonym : Disorganise, destroy, ruin. - Example sentence: She took her time to formulate a detailed proposal for the new project. - Hindi meaning:  तैयार करना, रूप देना

6 Headstrong

Headstrong a headstrong person is determined to do things their own way and refuses to listen to advice of others. Synonyms : Stubborn, Willful, Obstinate, Firm. Antonyms : Flexible, Open-minded, Cooperative, Submissive. Example : He is stubborn and headstrong and nobody could convince him that he was wrong. Hindi Meaning :    "अड़ियल"

3 Comprehend

  Comprehend Meaning : To "comprehend" means to understand or grasp the meaning or significance of something. Synonyms : Understand, grasp, perceive, apprehend, fathom. Antonyms : Misunderstand, confuse, overlook, ignore. Example Sentence : He read the book, comprehended it well, and grasped the idea. Hindi Meaning : "समझना" या "बुध्दि परिक्षम करना"।

2 Ambitious

Ambitious Meaning : Having a strong desire to achieve success, power, or recognition by setting and pursuing challenging goals. Synonyms : aspiring, determined, zealous, goal-oriented Antonyms : unambitious, passive, lethargic Example : He had always been an ambitious individual, striving to climb the success ladder to reach his goal. Hindi : महत्वाकांक्षी

1 Abundant

ABUNDANT Existing or available in  large quantity Synonyms : plentiful,ample, copious, bountiful Antonyms : scarce, limited, insufficient, meagre The garden is filled with abundant flowers of various colours . Hindi - भरपूर